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The Google home page is 500K

Ask HN: Show your failed projects and share a lesson you learned

I guess no body is doing this, everyone talks about making money. So, let's use this post to share our failed projects and the learnings with other founders.

Entire website in a single HTML file

Ask HN: What's the best book you read in 2021?

Yearly thread. It can be books published on 2021 or in previous years (but that you read this year.)

Running your own email is increasingly an artisanal choice, not a practical one

Running your own email is increasingly an artisanal choice, not a practical one

Wish HN: Happy Holidays

Wish HN: Happy Holidays

Ask HN: Those making $500/month on side projects in 2021 – Show and tell

It seems this question hasn't been asked for some time, so I'd be interested hear what new (and old) ideas have come up.



How to Set Low Expectations at Your Two Remote Jobs

An interview that disappeared – FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022

AWS Support able to access any S3 object due to permission change

Skillsoft Buys Codecademy for $525M

Street Fighter II paper trails – allocating sprite space by hand

My productivity app for the past 12 years has been a single .txt file (2020)

Twitter’s founder admits that shutting down the API was “worst thing we did”

Non-Fungible Olive Gardens

(mac)ostalgia – how Spotify, Slack, Chrome, Figma could look on Mac OS 9

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