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A realization of why email is critical infrastructure for the Internet

Consider SQLite

Emfy: Emacs for You – Quickly set up vanilla Emacs for editing

Emfy: Emacs for You – Quickly set up vanilla Emacs for editing

Ask HN: Why doesn't YC list compensation for their own open positions?

HN, being a rather progressive forum, tends to trend in support of including compensation details for job posts, open positions, recruiter reach-outs, etc. This position [1] was just posted today and has been on the front page all day. Does anyone have any insider information or generally good theory as to why YC's own job posts include none of that information?<p>[1] <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Tools to Download Netflix / Disney / Apple TV Content

FAA investigating controversial crash video

FAA investigating controversial crash video

Facebook said my article was false – now the fact-checkers admit they were wrong

Help HN: Stripe shutting us down with 48 hours notice on a holiday skeleton crew

Looking for someone who can escalate a query through Stripe (I know a lof of of Stripe are reading here including pc).<p>We process about 5-10M a month through Stripe since 2018 without issues. On the 27th of December they have given us 48 hours notice, whilst the entire company is being ran on a skeleton support crew to completely get off stripe and switch to another processor.<p>We've been in touch with them recently and this was never brought up. We've already started the process to switch do an actual acquiring bank rather than a PSP like Stripe but there's no way this can be completed now in 48 hours, IN BETWEEN CHRISTMAS AND NY.<p>This seems to be in line with the race to the bottom support from Stripe but pulling something like this is a new low.<p>So hoping that someone here can escalate.

The purpose of DRM is not to prevent copyright violations (2013)

A Review of the Zig Programming Language (Using Advent of Code 2021)

LastPass users warned their master passwords are compromised

Please don't use Discord for FOSS projects

Prince of Persia in JavaScript

“Play-to-Earn” and Bullshit Jobs

“Play-to-Earn” and Bullshit Jobs

The state of external retina displays

The state of external retina displays

Takeaways from looking for a new senior role in tech

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