The best Hacker News stories from All from the past day

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Bottles: GUI front end to run Windows software on Linux

The Big DevOps Misunderstanding

The Big DevOps Misunderstanding

I was part of a human subject research study without my consent

An iframe from tries to access the camera and microphone

An iframe from tries to access the camera and microphone

Test your product on a crappy laptop

Ask HN: Strategies to land fully remote $250k+ job

From my experience most of the companies scouting for developers are trying to minimize costs and using the “fully remote” positions as a mean.<p>I almost never faced an HR ready to discuss salaries higher, than my current “above average” full-time salary in my region (~120-180k).<p>I wonder what should your CV look like and how should you approach the search for companies that can afford expensive developers no matter the geo.<p>If the goal is not worth the effort in the first place — what alternative scalable ways to increase senior programmer’s income can you recommend?<p>Scalable means more or less reproducible in finite timeframe without high risks like in “starting your own startup”.

Lithuania evacuates its embassy in China

Group of monkeys kill over 250 dogs for 'revenge' in Indian town

Postgres is a great pub/sub and job server (2019)

I bought 1000 meters of wire to settle a physics debate [video]

Third High Severity CVE in Log4j Is Published

Third High Severity CVE in Log4j Is Published

CCPA Scam – Human subject research study conducted by Princeton University

My Bose QC-35 II headphones burst into flames and left me with chemical burns

Internet addiction and the habit of book reading

Kinesis Advantage 360

Kinesis Advantage 360

Apple Helps Asahi Linux

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