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Show HN: WIP NandToTetris Emulator in pure C – logic gates to ALU to CPU to PC
* OPEN TO CONTRIBUTIONS *<p>NandToTetris is a course which has you build a full computer from:<p>Logic gates -> Chips -> RAM -> CPU -> Computer
-> Assembler -> Compiler -> OS -> Tetris<p>All this is done via software defined hardware emulation.<p>I'm building an emulator for this entire stack in C.<p>How is my approach different to other projects that build emulators?<p><pre><code> - No external dependencies (so far)
- Start with a single software defined NAND gate in C
- EVERYTHING is built from this base chip
- Don't use certain programming utilities: boolean logic
operators, bitwise logic operators etc
Instead we leverage the gates/chips to implement such logic
I build more and more base chips from the NAND gate
- Simple gates: OR, AND, NOT, XOR (5 total "gates")
- Simple chips: DMux, Mux (11 so far, "combinatorial"
- 16 bit variants
For comparison, most emulator projects start right at the CPU level and don't sequentially build primitive structures. So a lay-person, or person unfamiliar with PC architectures is missing some lower-level information.<p>Typical emulators look at CPU truth table / Instruction set and implement that logic directly in code.<p>More straight forward, way fewer lines of code - but you skip all the gates/chips fun.<p>------<p>Confused? Heres example code for my NAND gate:<p><pre><code> void nand_gate(Nand *nand)
nand->output.out = !(nand->input.a & nand->input.b);
From this gate I build a NOT gate (note, no boolean operators)<p><pre><code> void not_gate(Not * not )
Nand nand = {
.input.a = not ->,
.input.b = not ->,
not ->output.out = nand.output.out;
Then OR / AND / XOR / MUX / DMUX ..... and their 16 bit versions.<p>Heres a more complex chip, a 16bit Mux-8-way chip<p><pre><code> /*
* out = a if sel = 000
* b if sel = 001
* c if sel = 010
* d if sel = 011
* e if sel = 100
* f if sel = 101
* g if sel = 110
* h if sel = 111
void mux16_8_way_chip(Mux16_8_Way *mux16_8_way)
Mux16_4_Way mux16_4_way_chip_a, mux16_4_way_chip_b;
Mux16 mux16_chip_c;
// Mux a
memcpy(mux16_4_way_chip_a.input.sel, mux16_8_way- >input.sel, sizeof(mux16_4_way_chip_a.input.sel));
memcpy(mux16_4_way_chip_a.input.a, mux16_8_way->input.a, sizeof(mux16_4_way_chip_a.input.a));
memcpy(mux16_4_way_chip_a.input.b, mux16_8_way->input.b, sizeof(mux16_4_way_chip_a.input.b));
memcpy(mux16_4_way_chip_a.input.c, mux16_8_way->input.c, sizeof(mux16_4_way_chip_a.input.c));
memcpy(mux16_4_way_chip_a.input.d, mux16_8_way->input.d, sizeof(mux16_4_way_chip_a.input.d));
// Mux b
memcpy(mux16_4_way_chip_b.input.sel, mux16_8_way->input.sel, sizeof(mux16_4_way_chip_b.input.sel));
memcpy(mux16_4_way_chip_b.input.a, mux16_8_way->input.e, sizeof(mux16_4_way_chip_b.input.a));
memcpy(mux16_4_way_chip_b.input.b, mux16_8_way->input.f, sizeof(mux16_4_way_chip_b.input.b));
memcpy(mux16_4_way_chip_b.input.c, mux16_8_way->input.g, sizeof(mux16_4_way_chip_b.input.c));
memcpy(mux16_4_way_chip_b.input.d, mux16_8_way->input.h, sizeof(mux16_4_way_chip_b.input.d));
// Mux c
mux16_chip_c.input.sel = mux16_8_way->input.sel[2];
memcpy(mux16_chip_c.input.a, mux16_4_way_chip_a.output.out, sizeof(mux16_chip_c.input.a));
memcpy(mux16_chip_c.input.b, mux16_4_way_chip_b.output.out, sizeof(mux16_chip_c.input.b));
memcpy(mux16_8_way->output.out, mux16_chip_c.output.out, sizeof(mux16_8_way->output.out));
-----<p>Progress: I have only started this project yesterday, so have completed 1 out of 7 hardware projects so far
Show HN: WIP NandToTetris Emulator in pure C – logic gates to ALU to CPU to PC
* OPEN TO CONTRIBUTIONS *<p>NandToTetris is a course which has you build a full computer from:<p>Logic gates -> Chips -> RAM -> CPU -> Computer
-> Assembler -> Compiler -> OS -> Tetris<p>All this is done via software defined hardware emulation.<p>I'm building an emulator for this entire stack in C.<p>How is my approach different to other projects that build emulators?<p><pre><code> - No external dependencies (so far)
- Start with a single software defined NAND gate in C
- EVERYTHING is built from this base chip
- Don't use certain programming utilities: boolean logic
operators, bitwise logic operators etc
Instead we leverage the gates/chips to implement such logic
I build more and more base chips from the NAND gate
- Simple gates: OR, AND, NOT, XOR (5 total "gates")
- Simple chips: DMux, Mux (11 so far, "combinatorial"
- 16 bit variants
For comparison, most emulator projects start right at the CPU level and don't sequentially build primitive structures. So a lay-person, or person unfamiliar with PC architectures is missing some lower-level information.<p>Typical emulators look at CPU truth table / Instruction set and implement that logic directly in code.<p>More straight forward, way fewer lines of code - but you skip all the gates/chips fun.<p>------<p>Confused? Heres example code for my NAND gate:<p><pre><code> void nand_gate(Nand *nand)
nand->output.out = !(nand->input.a & nand->input.b);
From this gate I build a NOT gate (note, no boolean operators)<p><pre><code> void not_gate(Not * not )
Nand nand = {
.input.a = not ->,
.input.b = not ->,
not ->output.out = nand.output.out;
Then OR / AND / XOR / MUX / DMUX ..... and their 16 bit versions.<p>Heres a more complex chip, a 16bit Mux-8-way chip<p><pre><code> /*
* out = a if sel = 000
* b if sel = 001
* c if sel = 010
* d if sel = 011
* e if sel = 100
* f if sel = 101
* g if sel = 110
* h if sel = 111
void mux16_8_way_chip(Mux16_8_Way *mux16_8_way)
Mux16_4_Way mux16_4_way_chip_a, mux16_4_way_chip_b;
Mux16 mux16_chip_c;
// Mux a
memcpy(mux16_4_way_chip_a.input.sel, mux16_8_way- >input.sel, sizeof(mux16_4_way_chip_a.input.sel));
memcpy(mux16_4_way_chip_a.input.a, mux16_8_way->input.a, sizeof(mux16_4_way_chip_a.input.a));
memcpy(mux16_4_way_chip_a.input.b, mux16_8_way->input.b, sizeof(mux16_4_way_chip_a.input.b));
memcpy(mux16_4_way_chip_a.input.c, mux16_8_way->input.c, sizeof(mux16_4_way_chip_a.input.c));
memcpy(mux16_4_way_chip_a.input.d, mux16_8_way->input.d, sizeof(mux16_4_way_chip_a.input.d));
// Mux b
memcpy(mux16_4_way_chip_b.input.sel, mux16_8_way->input.sel, sizeof(mux16_4_way_chip_b.input.sel));
memcpy(mux16_4_way_chip_b.input.a, mux16_8_way->input.e, sizeof(mux16_4_way_chip_b.input.a));
memcpy(mux16_4_way_chip_b.input.b, mux16_8_way->input.f, sizeof(mux16_4_way_chip_b.input.b));
memcpy(mux16_4_way_chip_b.input.c, mux16_8_way->input.g, sizeof(mux16_4_way_chip_b.input.c));
memcpy(mux16_4_way_chip_b.input.d, mux16_8_way->input.h, sizeof(mux16_4_way_chip_b.input.d));
// Mux c
mux16_chip_c.input.sel = mux16_8_way->input.sel[2];
memcpy(mux16_chip_c.input.a, mux16_4_way_chip_a.output.out, sizeof(mux16_chip_c.input.a));
memcpy(mux16_chip_c.input.b, mux16_4_way_chip_b.output.out, sizeof(mux16_chip_c.input.b));
memcpy(mux16_8_way->output.out, mux16_chip_c.output.out, sizeof(mux16_8_way->output.out));
-----<p>Progress: I have only started this project yesterday, so have completed 1 out of 7 hardware projects so far
Show HN: I reverse engineered X to Read Threads without Any Account as Articles
Hi fellow hackers,<p>I'm Ved, I came across the pain point of having a reader that could provide threads as articles after scrolling them many times and missing the context of the original info shared.<p>To solve my itch I decided to build a thread reader without Ads(all existing sol. were full of them), since X/Twitter API was very pricey, I did some reverse engineering to convert rendered pages to an API and host it in a VM (which obv. was dead cheap).<p>All of your data is saved in LocalStorage. Including your comments and saved threads(there is a known issue with Linux and MacOS browsers i think).<p>Code is open-sourced at :
<a href=""></a><p>App is available at :
<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a><p>There are two views inbuilt in app<p><a href="" rel="nofollow"></a><p><a href="" rel="nofollow"></a><p>Reverse Engineered X API is available at <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a><p>Meanwhile you can enter any twitter thread url on <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> to get a clean and read friendly article.<p>Here's the stack(if anyone's interested):<p>- NextJS<p>- FastAPI<p>- Selenium<p>That's all folks, looking towards a productive feedback session.
Show HN: I reverse engineered X to Read Threads without Any Account as Articles
Hi fellow hackers,<p>I'm Ved, I came across the pain point of having a reader that could provide threads as articles after scrolling them many times and missing the context of the original info shared.<p>To solve my itch I decided to build a thread reader without Ads(all existing sol. were full of them), since X/Twitter API was very pricey, I did some reverse engineering to convert rendered pages to an API and host it in a VM (which obv. was dead cheap).<p>All of your data is saved in LocalStorage. Including your comments and saved threads(there is a known issue with Linux and MacOS browsers i think).<p>Code is open-sourced at :
<a href=""></a><p>App is available at :
<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a><p>There are two views inbuilt in app<p><a href="" rel="nofollow"></a><p><a href="" rel="nofollow"></a><p>Reverse Engineered X API is available at <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a><p>Meanwhile you can enter any twitter thread url on <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> to get a clean and read friendly article.<p>Here's the stack(if anyone's interested):<p>- NextJS<p>- FastAPI<p>- Selenium<p>That's all folks, looking towards a productive feedback session.
Show HN: I reverse engineered X to Read Threads without Any Account as Articles
Hi fellow hackers,<p>I'm Ved, I came across the pain point of having a reader that could provide threads as articles after scrolling them many times and missing the context of the original info shared.<p>To solve my itch I decided to build a thread reader without Ads(all existing sol. were full of them), since X/Twitter API was very pricey, I did some reverse engineering to convert rendered pages to an API and host it in a VM (which obv. was dead cheap).<p>All of your data is saved in LocalStorage. Including your comments and saved threads(there is a known issue with Linux and MacOS browsers i think).<p>Code is open-sourced at :
<a href=""></a><p>App is available at :
<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a><p>There are two views inbuilt in app<p><a href="" rel="nofollow"></a><p><a href="" rel="nofollow"></a><p>Reverse Engineered X API is available at <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a><p>Meanwhile you can enter any twitter thread url on <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> to get a clean and read friendly article.<p>Here's the stack(if anyone's interested):<p>- NextJS<p>- FastAPI<p>- Selenium<p>That's all folks, looking towards a productive feedback session.
Show HN: I built open source file sharing solution using AWS S3
I created a 100% Open source Company-wide Self-hosted File Sharing Solution for Teams<p>Recently, I wanted to share HD images and video files with my graphic designer. She’s exceptional at her craft but isn’t familiar with AWS S3<p>So, I got an idea and built this.<p>Github Repo: <a href=""></a><p>Detailed Guide: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Show HN: I built open source file sharing solution using AWS S3
I created a 100% Open source Company-wide Self-hosted File Sharing Solution for Teams<p>Recently, I wanted to share HD images and video files with my graphic designer. She’s exceptional at her craft but isn’t familiar with AWS S3<p>So, I got an idea and built this.<p>Github Repo: <a href=""></a><p>Detailed Guide: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Show HN: I built open source file sharing solution using AWS S3
I created a 100% Open source Company-wide Self-hosted File Sharing Solution for Teams<p>Recently, I wanted to share HD images and video files with my graphic designer. She’s exceptional at her craft but isn’t familiar with AWS S3<p>So, I got an idea and built this.<p>Github Repo: <a href=""></a><p>Detailed Guide: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Show HN: Resizer2 – i3/KDE window movement on Windows
I was really frustrated when I needed to go back to windows after using KDE for a few years, and becoming used to the Meta+Mouse keybinds for resizing and moving windows around, so I made a script for it that lets me use those shortcuts on windows too, maybe someone here finds it useful too?<p>I also really need help with a name for the project, resizer2 doesn't sound that cool and catchy :(
Show HN: Resizer2 – i3/KDE window movement on Windows
I was really frustrated when I needed to go back to windows after using KDE for a few years, and becoming used to the Meta+Mouse keybinds for resizing and moving windows around, so I made a script for it that lets me use those shortcuts on windows too, maybe someone here finds it useful too?<p>I also really need help with a name for the project, resizer2 doesn't sound that cool and catchy :(
Show HN: Chorus, a Mac app that lets you chat with a bunch of AIs at once
There's so many cool models to try but they're all in different places. In Chorus you can chat with a bunch of models all at once, and add your own system prompts.<p>Like 4o with a CBT overview, or a succinct Claude. Excited to hear your thoughts!
Show HN: Chorus, a Mac app that lets you chat with a bunch of AIs at once
There's so many cool models to try but they're all in different places. In Chorus you can chat with a bunch of models all at once, and add your own system prompts.<p>Like 4o with a CBT overview, or a succinct Claude. Excited to hear your thoughts!
Show HN: Chorus, a Mac app that lets you chat with a bunch of AIs at once
There's so many cool models to try but they're all in different places. In Chorus you can chat with a bunch of models all at once, and add your own system prompts.<p>Like 4o with a CBT overview, or a succinct Claude. Excited to hear your thoughts!
Show HN: Anki AI Utils
Hi hn, I am nearly at the end of medical school so it is time I publish and "advertise" my open source scripts/apps for anki! Here's the pitch:<p><i>Anki AI Utils</i> is a suite of AI-powered tools designed to automatically improve cards you find challenging. Whether you're studying medicine, languages, or any complex subject, these tools can:<p>- <i>Explain</i> difficult concepts with clear, ChatGPT-generated explanations.<p>- <i>Illustrate</i> key ideas using Dall-E or Stable Diffusion-generated images.<p>- <i>Create mnemonics</i> tailored to your memory style, including support for the Major System.<p>- <i>Reformulate</i> poorly worded cards for clarity and better retention.<p><i>Key Features:</i><p>- <i>Adaptive Learning:</i> Uses semantic similarity to match cards with relevant examples.<p>- <i>Personalized Memory Hooks:</i> Builds on your existing mnemonics for stronger recall.<p>- <i>Automation Ready:</i> Run scripts daily to enhance cards you struggled with.<p>- <i>Universal Compatibility:</i> Works across all Anki clients (Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS).<p><i>Example:</i><p>For a flashcard about febrile seizures, Anki AI Utils can:<p>- Generate a <i>Dall-E illustration</i> of a toddler holding a teacup next to a fireplace.<p>- Create <i>mnemonics</i> like "A child stumbles near the fire, dances symmetrically, has one strike, and fewer than three fires."<p>- Provide an <i>explanation</i> of why febrile seizures occur and their diagnostic criteria.<p><i>Call for Contributors:</i><p>This project is battle-tested but needs help to become a polished Anki addon. If you’re a developer or enthusiast, join us to make these tools more accessible!<p><i>Check out my other projects on GitHub:</i> [Anki AI Utils](<a href=""></a>)<p>Transform your Anki experience with AI—because learning should be smarter, not harder.
Show HN: Anki AI Utils
Hi hn, I am nearly at the end of medical school so it is time I publish and "advertise" my open source scripts/apps for anki! Here's the pitch:<p><i>Anki AI Utils</i> is a suite of AI-powered tools designed to automatically improve cards you find challenging. Whether you're studying medicine, languages, or any complex subject, these tools can:<p>- <i>Explain</i> difficult concepts with clear, ChatGPT-generated explanations.<p>- <i>Illustrate</i> key ideas using Dall-E or Stable Diffusion-generated images.<p>- <i>Create mnemonics</i> tailored to your memory style, including support for the Major System.<p>- <i>Reformulate</i> poorly worded cards for clarity and better retention.<p><i>Key Features:</i><p>- <i>Adaptive Learning:</i> Uses semantic similarity to match cards with relevant examples.<p>- <i>Personalized Memory Hooks:</i> Builds on your existing mnemonics for stronger recall.<p>- <i>Automation Ready:</i> Run scripts daily to enhance cards you struggled with.<p>- <i>Universal Compatibility:</i> Works across all Anki clients (Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS).<p><i>Example:</i><p>For a flashcard about febrile seizures, Anki AI Utils can:<p>- Generate a <i>Dall-E illustration</i> of a toddler holding a teacup next to a fireplace.<p>- Create <i>mnemonics</i> like "A child stumbles near the fire, dances symmetrically, has one strike, and fewer than three fires."<p>- Provide an <i>explanation</i> of why febrile seizures occur and their diagnostic criteria.<p><i>Call for Contributors:</i><p>This project is battle-tested but needs help to become a polished Anki addon. If you’re a developer or enthusiast, join us to make these tools more accessible!<p><i>Check out my other projects on GitHub:</i> [Anki AI Utils](<a href=""></a>)<p>Transform your Anki experience with AI—because learning should be smarter, not harder.
Show HN: Anki AI Utils
Hi hn, I am nearly at the end of medical school so it is time I publish and "advertise" my open source scripts/apps for anki! Here's the pitch:<p><i>Anki AI Utils</i> is a suite of AI-powered tools designed to automatically improve cards you find challenging. Whether you're studying medicine, languages, or any complex subject, these tools can:<p>- <i>Explain</i> difficult concepts with clear, ChatGPT-generated explanations.<p>- <i>Illustrate</i> key ideas using Dall-E or Stable Diffusion-generated images.<p>- <i>Create mnemonics</i> tailored to your memory style, including support for the Major System.<p>- <i>Reformulate</i> poorly worded cards for clarity and better retention.<p><i>Key Features:</i><p>- <i>Adaptive Learning:</i> Uses semantic similarity to match cards with relevant examples.<p>- <i>Personalized Memory Hooks:</i> Builds on your existing mnemonics for stronger recall.<p>- <i>Automation Ready:</i> Run scripts daily to enhance cards you struggled with.<p>- <i>Universal Compatibility:</i> Works across all Anki clients (Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS).<p><i>Example:</i><p>For a flashcard about febrile seizures, Anki AI Utils can:<p>- Generate a <i>Dall-E illustration</i> of a toddler holding a teacup next to a fireplace.<p>- Create <i>mnemonics</i> like "A child stumbles near the fire, dances symmetrically, has one strike, and fewer than three fires."<p>- Provide an <i>explanation</i> of why febrile seizures occur and their diagnostic criteria.<p><i>Call for Contributors:</i><p>This project is battle-tested but needs help to become a polished Anki addon. If you’re a developer or enthusiast, join us to make these tools more accessible!<p><i>Check out my other projects on GitHub:</i> [Anki AI Utils](<a href=""></a>)<p>Transform your Anki experience with AI—because learning should be smarter, not harder.
Show HN: Anki AI Utils
Hi hn, I am nearly at the end of medical school so it is time I publish and "advertise" my open source scripts/apps for anki! Here's the pitch:<p><i>Anki AI Utils</i> is a suite of AI-powered tools designed to automatically improve cards you find challenging. Whether you're studying medicine, languages, or any complex subject, these tools can:<p>- <i>Explain</i> difficult concepts with clear, ChatGPT-generated explanations.<p>- <i>Illustrate</i> key ideas using Dall-E or Stable Diffusion-generated images.<p>- <i>Create mnemonics</i> tailored to your memory style, including support for the Major System.<p>- <i>Reformulate</i> poorly worded cards for clarity and better retention.<p><i>Key Features:</i><p>- <i>Adaptive Learning:</i> Uses semantic similarity to match cards with relevant examples.<p>- <i>Personalized Memory Hooks:</i> Builds on your existing mnemonics for stronger recall.<p>- <i>Automation Ready:</i> Run scripts daily to enhance cards you struggled with.<p>- <i>Universal Compatibility:</i> Works across all Anki clients (Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS).<p><i>Example:</i><p>For a flashcard about febrile seizures, Anki AI Utils can:<p>- Generate a <i>Dall-E illustration</i> of a toddler holding a teacup next to a fireplace.<p>- Create <i>mnemonics</i> like "A child stumbles near the fire, dances symmetrically, has one strike, and fewer than three fires."<p>- Provide an <i>explanation</i> of why febrile seizures occur and their diagnostic criteria.<p><i>Call for Contributors:</i><p>This project is battle-tested but needs help to become a polished Anki addon. If you’re a developer or enthusiast, join us to make these tools more accessible!<p><i>Check out my other projects on GitHub:</i> [Anki AI Utils](<a href=""></a>)<p>Transform your Anki experience with AI—because learning should be smarter, not harder.
Show HN: Open-source and transparent alternative to Honey
Hey everyone,
After watching MegaLag’s investigation into the Honey affiliate scam, I decided to create something better. I’m 18, an open-source enthusiast, and this is my first big project that’s actually getting some attention.<p>It's called Syrup, a fully open-source and transparent alternative to Honey. My goal is to make a browser extension that’s honest, ethical, and user-focused, unlike the Honey.<p>I’m still figuring things out, from maintaining the project on GitHub to covering future costs for a custom marketing website. It’s not easy balancing all this as a university student, but I’m managing as best as I can because I really believe in this project.<p>If you’re interested, check it out! I’d love feedback, contributions, or just help spreading the word. Thanks for reading, and let’s make something awesome together.
Show HN: Open-source and transparent alternative to Honey
Hey everyone,
After watching MegaLag’s investigation into the Honey affiliate scam, I decided to create something better. I’m 18, an open-source enthusiast, and this is my first big project that’s actually getting some attention.<p>It's called Syrup, a fully open-source and transparent alternative to Honey. My goal is to make a browser extension that’s honest, ethical, and user-focused, unlike the Honey.<p>I’m still figuring things out, from maintaining the project on GitHub to covering future costs for a custom marketing website. It’s not easy balancing all this as a university student, but I’m managing as best as I can because I really believe in this project.<p>If you’re interested, check it out! I’d love feedback, contributions, or just help spreading the word. Thanks for reading, and let’s make something awesome together.
Show HN: Open-source and transparent alternative to Honey
Hey everyone,
After watching MegaLag’s investigation into the Honey affiliate scam, I decided to create something better. I’m 18, an open-source enthusiast, and this is my first big project that’s actually getting some attention.<p>It's called Syrup, a fully open-source and transparent alternative to Honey. My goal is to make a browser extension that’s honest, ethical, and user-focused, unlike the Honey.<p>I’m still figuring things out, from maintaining the project on GitHub to covering future costs for a custom marketing website. It’s not easy balancing all this as a university student, but I’m managing as best as I can because I really believe in this project.<p>If you’re interested, check it out! I’d love feedback, contributions, or just help spreading the word. Thanks for reading, and let’s make something awesome together.