The best Hacker News stories from All from the past day

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Finishing my first game while working full-time

Finishing my first game while working full-time

Stockholm parents built their own school app, then the city called the cops

Our self imposed scarcity of nice places

HashiCorp – S1

HashiCorp – S1

An oral history of Bank Python

Show HN: I built a CNC-machine from scratch, using 40x 3D-printed parts

How learned helplessness happens in engineering teams

Backblaze IPO

Are daily standups hurting your team?

Notice of Stolen EVGA GeForce RTX 30-Series Graphics Cards

Notice of Stolen EVGA GeForce RTX 30-Series Graphics Cards

Ask HN: Who's not sucky to work for?

I've moved around quite a bit these past several years and I feel like every company has been the same. Management don't know what they want the product to be. Project managers don't know anything about technology. There's an offshore team in Traansylvania busy making it a legacy codebase. They don't want to give developers raises...<p>I see "Who's Hiring?" threads and "Who Wants To Be Hired?" threads. How about a "Who Doesn't Suck To Work For?" thread?<p>Not sure if this will take off or get deleted ...but if it does take off, it would be great if developers --not recruiters-- replied to this. Tell us why your company is a good place to work so we can apply there :-)

Thank you, GitHub

Thank you, GitHub

Curves and Surfaces

Curves and Surfaces

Zillow seeks to sell 7k homes for $2.8B after flipping halt

Do-nothing scripting: the key to gradual automation (2019)

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