The best Hacker News stories from All from the past day
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Lesser-known Postgres features
It’s mostly a demand shock, not a supply shock, and it’s everywhere
The popularity of e-bikes isn’t slowing down
ProctorU is dystopian spyware
We saved millions in SSD costs by upgrading our filesystem
We saved millions in SSD costs by upgrading our filesystem
NFT's aren't the answer to the problems of digital art
Show HN: I'm 48 and finally learning how to be a game developer
Show HN: I'm 48 and finally learning how to be a game developer
iPhone apps can tell many things about you through the accelerometer
The benefits of staying off social media
Playstation 5 root keys obtained
Pinterest ruined photo search on the internet
Six Palestinian organizations hacked with NSO Group’s Pegasus Spyware
Aaron Swartz Rememberance Day This Monday
For the general public he was seen as just another hacktivist along with various
hacktivist groups that were active around the time like lulzsec and anonymous.
But for the wider internet community, he represents something much much more,
especially post 2020 where we are all questioning many aspect of governance
that we take for granted as the normal state of the world.<p>In November the eight of 1986 Aaron Swartz was born. While his early childhood
was like any other kid, he showed early spark of someone who would be very
consequential to internet culture.<p>One of his first website to be recognized by the public is "The Info Network"
a user generated encyclopedia, created at the age of 12 years old which won
the ArsDigita Prize.<p>But later on he was accepted into Y Combinator's founder program on a startup
called infogami. While infogami failed to get further funding, his contribution
to the wider Y Combinator, got him in touch with another fellow co-founder to
work together on this small but potentially important firm known as Reddit.<p>If you are from Reddit or Hackernews, you will be very familiar with how the next
few years will go for Arron as well and so no further introduction will be needed.
(But you can follow further in his wiki page<p>However what will be consequential to the wider public is his work as an tech
activist fighting for the same rights and values that digital natives in the
wider internet culture would fight for. Especially in the realms of copyright
laws and the wider debate on digital access and freedom.<p>This includes writing Guerilla Open Access Manifesto, as well as filing a FOIA
request to find out how Chelsea Mannings was treated after she was detained for
her alleged role in the WikiLeaks leaks.
In addition to to leaking PACER digital court records to improve public access,
which had him investigated by the FBI for potential copyright infringements.
And most importantly to rally the internet against Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA).<p>However it was tragically his efforts to push for open access to academic
journals (much of which was publicly funded research) that may have costed him
his life at 2008-12-13.<p>Eight years later, as we emerge from the global pandemic, it is about time we
celebrate his life and reflect on his his short time with us.
As well as reflecting on how his actions had inspired countless digital natives
current and in the future to continuously push and fight for the
right for information to be free and transparent.
Use forums rather than Slack/Discord to support developer community
Use forums rather than Slack/Discord to support developer community
An Epic future for SPJ
Spiders are much smarter than you think
Ask HN: How is the “metaverse” concept different from the Second Life boom?
Does anybody remember the Second Life boom when companies were trying to snap up linden-land and set up shop online? That failed, and I can't help but feel like the 'metaverse' concept being marketed to us is that, but with VR helmets and advertising strapped on.