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“Open source” is broken

Ask HN: Own .com for 7 years, a new company trademarked my name registered .NET

I have owned a .com for 7+ years, a new company who has only been around for <2 years registered the .net 2 years ago and now threaten for me to handover my .com or they will sue<p>I have received a cease and desist letter from a law firm via email.<p>They claim as they client registered a trademark two years ago for the name, I must handover my .com domain to them for free, otherwise they will sue me.<p>For them not to sue me, because they have now registered trademark (even though I had the .com domain and was using it 7+ years before them)<p>They state from their solicitor that I must do all the following (long letter they sent me but here is the title/headings):<p><pre><code> 1. Cessation of Use of the Mark. 2. Abandonment of Rights 3. Future Trademark Applications 4. Transfer of Domain Names 5. Acknowledgement of Ownership and No Challenge 6. Mutual Release 7. Covenant Not to Sue 8. No Outstanding or Known Future Claims/Causes of Action 9. Acknowledgment of Settlement 10. Confidentiality of Agreement 11. Non-Disparagement 12. Agreement is Legally Binding 13. Entire Agreement 14. New or Different Facts: No Effect 15. Interpretation 16. Governing Law and Submission to Jurisdiction 17. Equitable Relief 18. Reliance on Own Counsel 19. Counterparts 20. Authority to Execute Agreement </code></pre> They sent this just email today, but state that I must do all of this within 3 days.<p><pre><code> "[Company Name] further demands that you provide, by no later than the close of business Pacific Standard Time on December 15, 2021, written confirmation that you will comply with these demands. You are specifically advised that any failure or delay in complying with these demands will likely compound the damages for which you may be liable. If [Company Name] does not receive a satisfactory and timely response, [Company Name] is prepared to take all steps necessary to protect [Company Name]'s valuable intellectual property rights, without further notice to you. The above is not an exhaustive statement of all the relevant facts and law. [Company Name] expressly reserves all of its legal and equitable rights and remedies, including the right to seek injunctive relief and recover monetary damages." </code></pre> Is this correct? Sounds ridiculous to me.<p>If anything I would have thought they should be the ones changing their name, as I was using the name 7+ years before them with a similar product

Log4j: Between a rock and a hard place

Log4j: Between a rock and a hard place

PSA: uBlock/AdBlocks on Chrome to lose function thanks to Manifestv3

Professional maintainers: a wake-up call

Professional maintainers: a wake-up call

Show HN: Decentralized, Mutable, Serverless Torrent Swarm Websites

Is Web3 anything?

How do you fix a stroad?

Ask HN: What things has tech made worse in your life?

Growing up I always enjoyed tech and was excited for all the problems tech can solve and all the improvements it can make and has made in my life. However, recently I had to check-in into a doctors office using a 3rd party software and the process is incredibly worse for the patient. Normally, I walk in, tell them my name and sit down. Now on my phone, I have to enter my DOB, answer a few questions, "Accept" some consent forms every time. They will not see me if I don't use the system. Then, at the end I am greeted with an advertisement for a medication.<p>Another one, recently had to call comcast as they were charging my parents $70 for what they are offering for $20, I play the call of "i want to cancel it is too expensive, AT&T cheaper". They recently "improved" their phone bot and added some "amazing" features. I am saying I want to cancel service/speak to customer service, and this thing goes and tells me it is restarting my modem.......then for the next 15 minutes I cannot reach anyone at comcast because my modem is restarting, every time I call I was getting, "We are restarting your modem call us back later GOODBYE!"......I swear things like this just make me want to go live off-grid somewhere.

Sleep technique used by Salvador Dalí works

Sleep technique used by Salvador Dalí works

Inflation rises to 6.8% year over year

Summary of the AWS Service Event in the Northern Virginia (US-East-1) Region

Summary of the AWS Service Event in the Northern Virginia (US-East-1) Region

Julian Assange can be extradited to the US, court rules

Log4j RCE Found

The biggest crypto lending company is a ponzi scheme

Dracula Theme – A dark theme for many different apps

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