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Bird populations declining fast across North America

Intel seems awfully scared of Graviton2. Why pay for this ad on Google?

Neon Genesis Evangelion (2019)

Neon Genesis Evangelion (2019)

Ask HN: Best Way to Contact YouTube

I woke up this morning to an email from YouTube stating that my channel is banned for repeated violations. They didn’t specify what I violated but it could be anything from copyright to hate speech.<p>Let me explain the content of all 5 videos on my 11 year + old channel.<p>1) a video of a squirrel that carried half a loaf of French bread along a fence and jumped into a tree. He dropped the bread during the jump but somehow managed to one hand/paw catch the bread and save it.<p>2) a friend of mine who was unable to ride a spring horse on a playground.<p>3)my son reacting to a scene from the movie hot rod(cool beans) this was a private video.<p>4) music video of my own music. No samples or other copyrighted material contained. 5) another music video also with no copyrighted material.<p>I submitted a request to the YouTube forum but I suspect that is a black hole where support requests go to die.<p>I’m not really all that upset and I have all the videos that are on the channel locally but the 1 strike you are banned seems awfully extreme. The fact that I wasn’t told that something was flagged or given any sort of heads up is really what bothers me. How can I get YouTubes attention?

Marketing is scary for a solo developer

Americans are rethinking where they want to live

Toyota owners have to pay $8/month to keep using their key fob for remote start

The Internet Has a Rat Poison Problem

Six dead after tornadoes destroy Amazon warehouse near St Louis

Putty maintainer on his attitude towards security and open source

The Matrix Is Unreal

The Matrix Is Unreal

Ask HN: Why have we accepted the cookie pop-up situation across the web?

You know what I'm talking about. Even at their best, the pop-ups for every single website to accept or choose cookies is ridicuous.<p>Can you imagine how much time in total we all lose to this?<p>And yet, these "solutions" to the data privacy questions have become widespread.<p>It's bad enough at normal times, let alone those who double triple quadruple bluff you into choosing the wrong setting.<p>This is a tech board.<p>Why have we all accepted this ridiculous situation?<p>Isn't there a better solution?

Japanese scientists develop vaccine to eliminate cells behind aging

Ask HN: Why is building Windows apps so complicated?

So I decide to build a windows 11 app. I already know some .NET and C/family from school and look through the source of C# and it doesn't seem too complicated.<p>However, building Windows apps is very complicated even when you know C++ or C#.<p>1. I wanted to build Windows 11 apps and I had to choose between Windows Forms, WinUI3, Win32 and WPF I think. I don't really know the difference between the 3 and no one really explains that (unless Win32 which is obvious).<p>2. Apparently, WUP is no longer recommended. A few years they were pushing it to the max. Bummer.<p>3. I installed Visual Studio overnight (it comes with all the tools that building apps need). It downloaded 6GB of data and used 20GB of storage. All i want to build is a hello world app.<p>4. I create a project following a guide from Microsoft.<p>5. The app is extremely resource heavy and way too over-featured. I build the boilerplate app and Run it and it takes minutes to build (most of the time is downloading dependencies so not such a big deal).<p>6. I open the newly created app in Sublime Text (my editor) and I can't find a way to build the app anymore.<p>7. Because Visual Studio is so bloated, I download Visual Studio Code, which is far more simple but I can still not figure out how to build my app even with the various extensions VS code boasts.<p>8. After hours of googling, I formulate a script that can build the app from the command-line.<p>9. But I stil don't know how to build the app as the .exe file created does not execute.<p>10. I'm very disappointed.<p>The worst of all is that there is not even one good guide on the whole clearnet on how to do develop a Hello World windows app from scratch.

This website has 81% battery power remaining

This website has 81% battery power remaining

Mercedes-Benz wins approval for Level 3 autonomous driving on the Autobahn

Ten years of experience, still failing phone screens

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