the latest Twitter posts from @nasa for the past day
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🔔 LIVE NOW: Tune in to a teleconference about our upcoming launch to the International @Space_Station this week. A @SpaceX Falcon 9 will carry supp...
Re @StarfieldGame Neither can we! We once heard that "the skies are marked with numberless sparks, each a fire, and every one a sign" 😉
You've seen the pictures. Now hear from the team. @NASAWebb experts from @NASA, @ESA, @CSA_ASC & @SpaceTelescope answer reporter questions live from @...
"Personally, I went and had an ugly cry. Because it works." The razor-sharp resolution of the @NASAWebb imagery was enough to bring astrophysicist Jan...
Re @MWLewis5 Glad you asked! Our @NASAWebb resources for educators include activities, programs, and lesson plans covering a wide range of ages:
Re @MKBHD Glad we could add some cosmic wonder to your battlestation ✨
RT Canadian Space Agency: Oh wow! 🤩 Canada’s NIRISS on #Webb has found water in the atmosphere of exoplanet WASP-96 b! 💧 ☁️ Check it out 👇...
Never forget that you ARE a sky full of stars. The same stuff that makes these heavenly views lives in you. #UnfoldTheUniverse
It’s our mission to search for answers to some of the deepest mysteries. But what’s even more exciting? Often the results give us more questions. Le...
Re @Minecraft @NASAWebb Turns out sometimes you've got to look up to find diamonds✨
Big lights will inspire you.
We've spent today looking across the universe, so let's wrap it up with something a little closer to home. Keep an eye on the skies for the Buck Super...
Clouds on another world. @NASAWebb captured the signature of water on giant gas planet WASP 96-b, which orbits a star 1,150 light-years away. For the ...
Re @ILoveSpaceX42 You can see and download all the new @NASAWebb images here:
"This is just one sliver of data that @NASAWebb is providing us." Astrophysicist Knicole Colon explains the importance of using spectroscopy, and how ...
Some stars go out with a bang. In these images of the Southern Ring planetary nebula, @NASAWebb shows a dying star cloaked by dust and layers of light...
Mid-infrared astronomer Karl Gordon explains how @NASAWebb's mid-infrared image of the Southern Ring planetary nebula reveals two stars at the center ...
Take Five: Captured in exquisite detail, @NASAWebb peered through the thick dust of Stephan’s Quintet, a galaxy cluster showing huge shockwaves and t...
Data scientist Giovanna Giardino explains how the @NASAWebb image of Stephan's Quintet reveals a "a sort of cosmic dance driven by the gravitational f...
Cosmic cliffs & a sea of stars. @NASAWebb reveals baby stars in the Carina Nebula, where ultraviolet radiation and stellar winds shape colossal walls ...