the latest Twitter posts from @nasa for the past day

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Re @Mr_Malum_ The Mars Oxygen In-Situ Resource Utilization Experiment (MOXIE), is a tech demo aboard @NASAPersevere that is testing extracting oxygen ...

Re @fakharhere @NASASolarSystem ☄️The 12-year long #LucyMission will be the first to visit the Trojan asteroids, which are thought to hold clues to ...

Engineer Mike Sekerak takes listeners on a journey to ancient asteroids with our upcoming #LucyMission, the first spacecraft to go to the outer solar ...

LIVE NOW: @NASAWebb Space Telescope experts cover logistics, travel requirements, and registration instructions for media interested in attending the ...

RT NASA Commercial Crew: 🚀 Astronauts @AstroDuke and @astro_josh have been reassigned to @NASA's @SpaceX Crew-5 mission. Mann and Cassada will serv...

With @FEMA, we’re co-hosting the “Alliances for Climate Action,” a virtual series of talks each Wednesday in October to provide accurate, timely an...

LIVE NOW: Tune in as NASA, @SpaceX, and @ESA leaders give an overview of our upcoming #Crew3 mission, set to lift off to the @Space_Station on Oct. 30...

Re @BrianDuganNFL This image depicts a NASA supercomputer model that shows how greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide (CO2) – a key driver of global wa...

Set to launch on Oct. 16, @NASASolarSystem’s #LucyMission will visit Lagrange points where "Trojan asteroids" have been trapped for billions of years...

RT NASA Technology: For #WorldSpaceWeek we are celebrating #WomenInSpace! 👩🏼‍🚀👩🏽‍🚀👩🏿‍🚀 Inspired by real @NASA_Astronauts...

Are you a reporter or producer interested in covering the Dec. 18 @NASAWebb Space Telescope launch? 👉 Join us Oct. 8 at 9am ET (13:00 UTC) for a v...

🚀 Before they head to space, join the NASA and @ESA astronauts of #Crew3 for our next @TwitterSpaces! Tune in on Oct. 7 at 5:30pm ET (9:30pm UTC)...

This #WorldSpaceWeek, we’re going places… to space with @Astro_Kimbrough and inside the U.S. Naval Observatory with its famous resident, @VP herself...

⏳ Where will you be 12 years from now? Our Lucy mission will be completing a grand tour of eight asteroids, time capsules of @NASASolarSystem history...

RT NASA STEM - Inspiring the #Artemis Generation: Is there wifi on the @Space_Station? What's life like for @NASA_Astronauts living there? This week's...

Re @cordeux Love it. We just know your Lucy is gonna go far. Keep us posted if you make a #LucyTimeCapsule? We promise to share updates on the mission...

RT NASA Moon: 🎶A million dreams are keeping me awake🎶 🌍 Celebrate International #ObserveTheMoon Night on Oct. 16th with this international mu...

Small business owner? Want to team up with us? Join us on Oct. 7 for the NASA Small Business Opportunities Virtual Expo! Register now for virtual tal...

Let's visit some asteroids! Join our #LucyMission virtual launch event. 📹 Exclusive behind-the-scenes videos 🕰️ DIY #LucyTimeCapsule 🚀 Share...

Re @SPEHAWKSNAPLES 👏 That presentation is spot-on - job well done! The astronaut ice cream is the cherry on top. Check out what other foods astrona...

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