the top Reddit posts from r/django for the past day
Latest posts:
bridge — automatic infrastructure for Django
Gunicorn and Nginx
I am setting up a Django for the first time..and I am doing this..my_tennis_club, and members page, the members page works, but, is it supposed to throw a 404 error when it comes to the main page? I thought that was supposed to work as well? localhost:8000/members works, but, localhost:8000 doesn't?
Through Model Migrations
Serializer validation not working
module 'django.conf.global_settings' has no attribute 'ROOT_URLCONF'
Django, SQLite, and the Database is Locked Error
Django PyCryptodome AES decryption - ValueError: Padding is incorrect
Tracking users entries into views
Best starter kit stream update: Tomorrow, we're integrating payments
OTP Implementation
Testing Django translations and gettext, gettext_lazy
Issue in creating active in my user
issue changing DateTimeField to DateField in model
Issue with my React and Admin UI using the same session cookie
How good are Django templates?
HackerRank - Django Environment
User friendly django admin template
Incorrect password reset link sent by djoser
Relearning Django..