the top Reddit posts from r/django for the past day

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Hey guys! Just deployed my first django project.(I know it does not match the standard of this sub reddit) ,but i feel like an anime protagonist after rectifying so maney errors and not giving up.Btw I'm a 1st year student of information technology.I will redesign the app.

Connection Refused Error in Django.

grpc and python for django developer

setting a default user for incoming data from an api.

Django - Intro for Beginners: First Project, Configuration, Django Templates, Admin Section, Static Files, and FREE Samples

How to create model instance from button click?

for loop problem

How do I know when a Celery task is done so I can update my view?

Question about <Title> tag

Would anyone be willing to give me a one on one lesson on django rest framework and vue.js. willing to pay 50/hour.

Getting distict list of all status and type values in my table

Single Sign on

Task automation?

What is the conventional way of 'connecting' the data from a backend variable to a JavaScript frontend data visualisation graph?

Is my file correct?

Django but barely django.

Setting Up API Routing In Django

Please review this app - curious a kind of qna forum , something good will happen to you if you suggest improvement and new features that can be added...

what should be the return type of view render?

I need help!! Adding language support to a django project. django-babel error: unknown locale "mi", is Māori not supported in django?

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