the top Reddit posts from r/django for the past day

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Django stripe payments production ready tutorial or GitHub?

Hi, doing a project for Uni and i'm nearing the end of the Corey Schafer tutorials so i am branching off and trying to add my own things in. I added this like function which works fine so next was a way to see how many likes there are on a post but i keep getting this error and i can't fix it.

Django and VueJS Full Stack Course For Beginners

Displaying database listings based on user's location

I want create a blog with django, but I have some questions?

[DRF] Specify API schema on an APIView method level?

Wagtail vs Default Django Speed!

Nested For Loop in Template Only Does Second Loop Once

How many Django developers are in the world?

Beginner Question

Django CSS and HTML loads correctly on my local machine but not when running inside a container

Django security releases issued: 3.2.1, 3.1.9, and 2.2.21

Django AllAuth - Need help fixing redundant columns inside Admin Panel

point me in the right direction - query database based on link click

First Django project, need some help with exposing content to non-admin users

How to only load data when required??

My first big project (approx half complete, but thought I'd share after a productive weekend) - I'm learning Django and creating a booking system to stretch my skills

S3 CORS Config For Django

Errno 2 error when I run.

Serious SQL Vulnerability Found In Django Debug Toolbar

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