the top Reddit posts from r/django for the past day

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Handling web-based real-time updates

As someone who has gone from noob to alright, here's some tips.

Make lives easy using Docker with Django, React.js, PostgreSQL and Nginx

After using Django for 8 months, I share a couple of things I've learned.

Django Operational Error : no such table network_profile.

From Polls App to Featured on Product Hunt (This is like my 1Mth Django project, would love to hear what you think!)

Adding a Custom Create method to the Admin Interface

Is there a way to prevent HTMX from Rendering content on the front end?

UnicodeDecodeError. After i ran python runserver on my termux terminal.

why does doing value="{{form.history}} produce this weird artifact?

Is it possible to filter an ArrayField to see if any element contained in array starts with given value? The __contains filter checks for complete values, not startswith

How to store STATUS i.e. Order Status?

how do I pre-populate an UpdateView when I am using a separate form class?

[Django REST Framework] Empty JSON response even though other URLs work without problems

Cannot run tests because of database issue

How to Set Image Quality with Cloudinary

One object per day or 15 objects per day

Why is returning UTC when I clearly changed it in the

Need Help Importing urls from module in Django for doing password reset

Cannot run python test because of django_migrations table

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