the top Reddit posts from r/django for the past day

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Add a backend label to a model?

Django Rest Framework - same endpoint, different methods

Best way to use HTMX polling to update a div

Simplest way to concatenate, compress and copy JS and CSS files during development?

Integrating Mailchimp with Django

Changing value of a model field from model class

Login Not Redirecting to LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL with drf

Best Practices for Securing VPS’ SSH

About GeoDjango and PostGIS models, the difference between PostGIS models and Django models

Slow response time when uploading files to django and AWS S3

django heroku user logs out automatically

django heroku user logged out automatically

django-sesame - Magic Links for Authentication

Rich text field and django rest framework

Django Authentication: The Basics With a Quick Tutorial

Django Developers, what is your current salary?

Why isn't it working? I'm trying to test registering a user that already exists and I want to check the context returned so that I know whether it passed the test or not but it gives me this:

How much idle memory does your Django based stack consume? Bonus points if you're running your stack through docker-compose!

What is the job landscape like for Django right now? Across all skill levels?

overriding builtin method in Django.. When overriding Django built-in method...In some case we call super method first then do our stuff..But in some other case ..we do some logic and call Super method....i know super method call its parent methods ...but it's confusing..when to call super methods

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