the top Reddit posts from r/django for the past day

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Forbidden (CSRF cookie not set.): /login/ REACT & DJANGO

django-pghistory: Track historical events to Django models using Postgres triggers.

Need suggestions and advise for using pythonanywhere and sqlite3

How can I average my total ratings and show it to my template (list_detailview & list_listview)

Solving One to One relationship

Deploying a React + Django app (configuration)

search not working after applying pagination

How to do item based caching with django-cachops, and subsequent queries?

I am trying to count my comments in django template in this way. But not getting what im expecting. any idea what could be the issue?

I wrote a filter for Django Compressor that removes unused CSS classes and makes your СSS files much smaller

Need help with multiple parameter search queries

API Generator for Django (Updated) - MIT / Quick start in Docker / Video presentation in Comments

Long polling with Django 3.2, to be none blocking

Tips and recommendations to learn Django

How can I add this function inside my DetailView? Is it possible? If it isnt then how can I show my reviews inside detailview template?

any idea why my entries are not coming from this Review model to the template?

Accessing TemporaryFilePath

Trying CRUD operations on table and having a hard time with 'U'

Easyest place to deploy django?

authenticate method of django.contrib.auth returning None even when credentials are corrent

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