the top Reddit posts from r/alphaandbetausers for the past week

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Xpiry - helps people track products' expiration and get notified

I have launched the Next.js SaaS Boilerplate, which helps developers focus on their product and skip the repetitive setup work.

Built a challenge app that’s not about self-improvement. Just weird, oddly specific nudges to shake up your day.

If you have ever forgotten the milk while driving past the store this app is for you

Changing the game of entrepreneurship! Take a look at my new project!

Seeking Testers for AI Writing Assistant - Feedback Welcome!

[Beta, web] Payment gateway comparison directory - looking for founders/decision makers to test and give feedback

Made an open-source library to create Machine Learning models from natural language

leadBlooms - Find problems or leads for your next SaaS

Knife Wiki Lab - Social Platform for Knife Collectors & Enthusiasts

Affiliate Marketing Software for SaaS - Looking for early adopters

Cafe au Lang: A Social & Immersive Language Learning App

Building competitor intelligence tool |

I Built GuessPrompt - Competitive Prompt Engineering Games (with both daily & multiplayer modes!)

Try out my frontend builder specialized for making stunning, well designed UIs with minimum effort!

Built a Tool for YouTube Creators—Would Love Your Feedback! ❤️

Looking for feedbacks on our advanced leads generation tool!

Hika AI - A New Approach to AI-Powered Knowledge Search [Looking for Beta Testers]

Looking for Beta Testers for PaidLink – A Link Monetization Platform 🚀

AIdea Catalyst: An app that helps entrepreneurs develop plans for their business

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