the top Reddit posts from r/alphaandbetausers for the past day

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DataArchiva: Easy Data & Metadata Backup & Recovery Application for Salesforce

XfilesPro: Advanced File Management & External Storage Connector for Salesforce

XfilesPro: DocuPrime! Automated Document Generation for Salesforce

Just released my web app for storing and practicing vocabulary (using AI)

Is there someone who spends more than 500-1000$ Monthly on OpenAI Bills?

Made an app to help maintain connections with people, but need some feedback on the new AI-generated message feature

[SEEKING FEEDBACK] A chrome extension that makes your browser multiplayer

I made an AI Book Recommendation System, looking for feedback!

Clips Long Videos into Bite-Sized, Subtitled Clips

Social app for the vibe, looking for early user feedback

Seeker - The future of unified search on your personal knowledge base

I created a webapp to share, save, and create prompts - it's free during beta testing

Introducing CloneHub: Where Cloning Gets Social! 👥🔬

We are testing a new service that helps solo entrepreneurs and content writers beat procrastination, focus on their goals and get things done! Applies to both full-time and moonlighting people.

Looking for beta testers for an AI app that turns long form video into viral reels

Looking for feedback and bugs reports on the new update of my gaming website and newsletter

Looking for feedback for ready to use AI template website -

website/API/Subdomain and platform security screening tool

Looking for feedback on a social mental health app

I just released my secret arsenal of growth hacks. Need feedback!

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