The best Hacker News stories from Show from the past week

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Moderna Covid vaccine candidate almost 95% effective, trials show

YouTube-dl's repository has been restored

Guido van Rossum joins Microsoft

Apple Silicon M1 chip in MacBook Air outperforms high-end 16-inch MacBook Pro

Your Computer Isn't Yours

macOS unable to open any non-Apple application

Introducing the next generation of Mac

Zoom lied to users about end-to-end encryption for years, FTC says

Apple unveils M1, its first system-on-a-chip for portable Mac computers

No More Free Work from Marak: Pay Me or Fork This

Covid vaccine: First ‘milestone’ vaccine offers 90% protection

EU Draft Council Declaration Against Encryption [pdf]

EU Draft Council Declaration Against Encryption [pdf]

Helsinki Relocation Package: City as a Service

San Francisco voters approve taxes on highly paid CEOs, big businesses

GitHub Source Code Leak

Disclosure: Unlimited Chase Ultimate Rewards Points

Ask HN: Who is hiring? (November 2020)

Please state the job location and include the keywords REMOTE, INTERNS and/or VISA when the corresponding sort of candidate is welcome. When remote work is <i>not</i> an option, include ONSITE.<p>Please only post if you personally are part of the hiring company—no recruiting firms or job boards. Only one post per company. If it isn't a household name, please explain what your company does.<p>Commenters: please don't reply to job posts to complain about something. It's off topic here.<p>Readers: please only email if you are personally interested in the job.<p>Searchers: Try <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>, <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>, <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>, <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>, <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>.<p>Don't miss these other fine threads:<p><i>Who wants to be hired?</i> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a><p><i>Freelancer? Seeking freelancer?</i> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

South Park creators have new political satire series with AI-generated deepfakes

Google users locked out after 15 years' use

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