The best Hacker News stories from All from the past week
Latest posts:
Windows needs a change in priorities
I think US college education is nearer to collapsing than it appears
I think US college education is nearer to collapsing than it appears
How Zillow's homebuying scheme lost $881M
US Federal Reserve raises interest rates for first time since 2018
Cities should not pay for new stadiums
Go 1.18
Why is it hard to buy things that work well?
US Senate votes unanimously to make daylight savings time permanent
Show HN: HN Avatars in 357 bytes
Paste the following into the console of any HN page - for annotated avatars on all HN comments. (self contained code)<p><pre><code> for(u of document.querySelectorAll('.hnuser'))for(u.prepend(c=document.createElement('canvas')),x=c.getContext('2d'),c.width=18,c.height=14,s=u.innerText,r=1,i=28+s.length;i--;i<28?r>>>29>X*X/3+Y/2&&x.fillRect(6+2*X,2*Y,2,2)&x.fillRect(6-2*X,2*Y,2,2):r+=s.charCodeAt(i-28,x.fillStyle='#'+(r>>8&0xFFFFFF).toString(16)))r^=r<<13,r^=r>>>17,r^=r<<5,X=i&3,Y=i>>2</code></pre>
EU to make it mandatory to use customer-replaceable batteries in household items
uBlock Origin becomes top addon on Firefox
Israel passes law denying naturalization to Palestinian spouses
Pockit: A tiny, powerful, modular computer [video]
DuckDuckGo “down-rank sites associated with Russian disinformation”
Ask HN: Any weird tips for weight loss?
I am overweight and just curious. My theory, though untested, is that getting an oxygen tank might speed up passive weight loss substantially. 84% of all weight that is lost is in the form of carbon dioxide, and I wonder if upping the amount of carbon dioxide exhaled would lead to more weight loss. Oxygen only makes up 21% of our air. I am making the assumption that the lungs can handle being 100% saturated.
Apple Mac Studio
The new silent majority: People who don't tweet
Apple M1 Ultra
My lizard brain is no match for infinite scroll