The best Hacker News stories from All from the past week

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All problems stem from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone (2014)

Jetbrains founders turn billionaires without VC help

Amazon disallows pointing out paid reviews

No Cookie for You

States bring action against Google under federal and state antitrust laws [pdf]

Rocky Linux: A CentOS replacement by the CentOS founder

Firefox Was Always Enough

Facebook to move UK users to California terms, avoiding EU privacy rules

Google outage – resolved

various services are broken<p>- youtube returning error<p>- gmail returning 502<p>- docs returning 500<p>- drive not working<p>status page now reflecting outage: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a><p>--------------<p>services look to be restored.

Goodreads plans to retire API access, disables existing API keys

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