The best Hacker News stories from All from the past day
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It's been 42 years since 'The Hitchhiker's Guide' answered the ultimate question
NixOS on Framework Laptop
Roger Hui has died
Python stands to lose its GIL, and gain a lot of speed
Python stands to lose its GIL, and gain a lot of speed
HTTP is obsolete – it's time for the distributed, permanent web (2015)
HTTP is obsolete – it's time for the distributed, permanent web (2015)
Is nuclear power our best bet against climate change?
Obsidian – A knowledge base from a local folder of plain text Markdown files
Engineer demos how SpaceX is building fracked well gas plant
Vienna museums open adult-only OnlyFans account to display nudes
Implementing Hash Tables in C
California Scrambles to Find Electricity to Offset Plant Closures
Wearable Microphone Jamming
Some reasons to work on productivity and velocity
Ask HN: What does one look for in a laptop these days?
I'd like to understand if I'm missing on any new developments since 2015 or so. Here's what I'd like to have:<p>*. Goes: preference and alternative, deal-breakers:<p>1. SIM preferable, WiFi acceptible, but Bluetooth has to be good<p>2. Spill and dust resistant keyboard that doesn't feel like typing on nothing<p>3. Trackpoint or trackpad, that works<p>4. Stylus or touch-screen that doesn't glare<p>5. Good power management, lasts through the day, done charging in 2.5 hours<p>6. Runs the hacky-mac or Slax, has a head-set jack<p>7. Good GPU, fast storage, two fast external storage ports<p>From my understanding I fit a kind of profile, and am very much not alone. But I'd like to know what the HN crowd take on this is.
Dislike button would improve Spotify's recommendations
Dislike button would improve Spotify's recommendations
Canon sued for disabling scanner when printers run out of ink
Former Boeing 737 Max Chief Technical Pilot Indicted for Fraud