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Greening of the Earth Mitigates Surface Warming (2020)

Samsung plans $17B chip plant in Taylor, Texas

Samsung plans $17B chip plant in Taylor, Texas

Low interest rates in advanced countries have pushed money into real estate

Low interest rates in advanced countries have pushed money into real estate

The Handwavy Technobabble Nothingburger of Crypto

QOI: Lossless Image Compression in O(n) Time

QOI: Lossless Image Compression in O(n) Time

Django, HTMX and Alpine.js: Modern websites, JavaScript optional

Django, HTMX and Alpine.js: Modern websites, JavaScript optional

Flatpak Is Not the Future

The World's Deadliest Thing

Full key extraction of Nvidia TSEC

California moves to recommend delaying algebra to 9th grade statewide

Boards are dangerous to founder/CEOs

Cocaine Paraphernalia Ads in the 70s

Apple sues NSO Group to curb the abuse of state-sponsored spyware

Apple sues NSO Group to curb the abuse of state-sponsored spyware

Ask HN: Those who quit their jobs without anything planned. How did it go?

This post is inspired by[0]. During the "great resignation" trend there were a lot of posts about people quitting due to burn out or otherwise. I wonder what they did end up doing.<p>I am not sure what I'd do if I'd quit. Maybe travel for a bit doing nothing and then start my own thing.<p>[0]<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

The latest EU plan to outlaw encryption and introduce communication surveillance

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