The best Hacker News stories from All from the past day

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Donald Knuth – The Patron Saint of Yak Shaves (2017)

Forced to sell chipless ink cartridges, Canon tells customers how to bypass DRM

Simplicity of IRC

Youth suicide attempts soared during pandemic, CDC report says

Oh, 2022

Oh, 2022

Upwork asking me for a $12.5k refund as the client was using someone else’s card

Forty percent of the world’s shipping consists of fossil fuels to be burned

Tell HN: Full macOS reinstall because Apple ID

Hello! Just wanted to share what just happened to me, maybe some Apple SWE here can take a look at this. I recently changed my macbook and created a new Apple ID for the new machine. For work, I like to have a unique ID and not reuse old ones. The problem is that, today, after 2 days of "use" (the first time the laptop is charged is to reinstall everything), Apple decided without notification that my account should be blocked for "security reasons".<p>I tried to reset my password, but they blocked the whole account, it seems to me that they even deleted the account from the database as they could not locate the ID of other information (name, mail, etc.). Coming from another OS, one can imagine that you can swap two IDs and continue, but ... NO! Here you need to provide a password to log out, but since my account has been deleted, I don't have any password. Also, one can imagine that a +2000$ machine designed for "professional" users can actually recover from these types of errors using magic links or text messages. They wanted me to wait for an appointment with the service. Just to reset an account!!<p>Why did I reinstall all? Every 30 seconds, a message appears asking me to check the ID.<p>TL;DR: Adult human crying.

Approved Cameras

Approved Cameras

My 70 year old mother has been using Linux on the desktop for the past 21 years

5% of 666 Python repos had comma typo bugs (inc V8, TensorFlow and PyTorch)

Show HN: BookStack – An open source wiki platform and alternative to Confluence

Show HN: BookStack – An open source wiki platform and alternative to Confluence

James Webb is fully deployed

James Webb is fully deployed

Quit Your Job

A routine gem update ended up creating $73k worth of subscriptions

A routine gem update ended up creating $73k worth of subscriptions

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